
Meet Lake Marketing Team with superpowers

Miguel Medeiros

CEO and collaborates in Branding and Strategy Marketing projects

He holds a degree in Business from Lindenwood University in St. Louis, Missouri. He gained experience as a strategic analyst in the sugarcane and alcohol industry before becoming an entrepreneur. 

With a passion for strategic marketing and branding, Miguel focuses on positioning and differentiating his clients in the market.

Mohamed Ben Ghazi

Headhunting and collaborates in management projects

 CEO of Cozi Coworking and Cozi Coliving. He also collaborates on incubating new projects and startups, playing a key role in the Digital Business ecosystem in Tunisia. 

Ben Ghazi is responsible for finding the ideal young talents for our clients’ projects.

Pedro Medeiros

Financial Director and collaborates in SEO and Paid Traffic projects

He is a postgraduate in Strategic Business Management and has gained experience as an entrepreneur in the restaurant, esthetics services, and product distribution industries. 

He has specialized in advertising management and paid traffic strategies.

Lake Marketing's brazilian team


Boosting our clients' results through branding and digital marketing strategies.


Connecting companies with services provided from Brazil and North Africa to solve their branding, digital marketing, and technology problems, while supporting digital entrepreneurial youth in these developing countries.


Our History

A taste of Brazil, a world of opportunities

Our case of expansion and collaboration

In 2013, as the shift from traditional to Digital Marketing was beginning, Miguel and Pedro Medeiros opened an Açaí restaurant serving Brazilian food and healthy meals.

Inspired by the digital trends in the U.S., they created an Instagram profile for their restaurant. The success of this Digital Marketing effort led them to wonder, “Why not do the same for our friends’ businesses?”

By 2016, they ventured into Digital Marketing and eventually established Lake Marketing. They aimed for a leaner, dynamic, and collaborative approach.

The success in Brazil led to expansion into England and later Portugal, with a focus on Social Marketing and the understanding that every individual and company is responsible for contributing significantly to society.

This inspired them to expand to Tunisia, where they connected talented young digital entrepreneurs with service opportunities beyond the Mediterranean Sea.
From this, the Lake Marketing Team was born.

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